Exhibitions 28.05.2008 – 01.02.2009

Publikumslieblinge, Kostbarkeiten, Wiederentdeckungen

«Intermezzo» The Collection in Movement

Das Kunstmuseum Bern gewährt neue Einblicke in seine Sammlungsbestände. In einer thematischen Präsentation werden Werke unterschiedlicher Epochen miteinander in Dialog gestellt. Zu sehen sind Highlights aus der Sammlung, aber auch viele selten gezeigte Werke. Die Konfrontation von Alt und Neu soll auf unterhaltsame Weise veranschaulichen, wie sich der künstlerische Blick auf verschiedenste Themen verändert hat. Die Ausstellung ist in zehn Kapitel gegliedert und umfasst Malerei, Skulpturen, Zeichnungen, Fotografien und Videoarbeiten.

The collection will have to give up its regular space in the Stettlerbau until the beginning of 2009 on account of the exhibitions "Ferdinand Hodler - a Symbolist Vision" and "I'm Full of Byars". It can only be presented in a restricted form on the ground floor and the upper floor of the Atelier5 building.

The Museum of Fine Arts Bern is making a virtue of the necessity and during this "intermezzo" the collection will be changing from its customary practice not only in its location but also as regards content.

Instead of the chronological path down through the years of history, a thematic ordering has been arranged taking classical genres such as historical paintings, portraits, nudes, landscapes or still-lifes and studying them from the aspect of their manifestation in the past as well as their topicality for contemporary art. It is hoped the confrontation of old and new will illustrate in an entertaining way the continuities and breaks in an artistic view of the world.

The exhibition comprises not only paintings and sculpture but also drawings, photographs and video works. In particular it will accord more space than has formerly been the case to contemporary art.

In addition to the well-known highlights of the collection, many rarely exhibited works will be on show so that this "intermezzo" will also offer the Bern public new insights into the museum's collection.